Generic Module Update Stage

Hi guys,

I’m trying to configure some generic modules and the main aspect that I’m trying to change is the Update stages, Ideally I want to set AMP up to copy the server files and possibly some other files as well depending on the game and the scenario from a local directory. I would prefer not to have to redownload server files each time i want to start a new instance for a server that I have already downloaded the files for.

I see that the online configurator does have an option for CopyFilePath, but it’s a bit confusing as to how to correctly set it up and I can’t find any examples online, which makes sense since I imagine the config would be user specific.

Does anybody have any experince with setting this up on linux and would anyone be willing to possibly share their updates.json file?

Thank you in advance for anyone who does take a look at this.

Plenty of templates in the main repo use CopyFilePath

But it is only one file at a time

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Thanks Greelan, I was not looking properly. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out :pray: