Generic Module problems

OS Name/Version: Windows Server 2022

Product Name/Version: v2.4.0.8

Problem Description: I have been attempting create a Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord game server with AMP. Hypothetically, the server should work fine, and it does when launched manually, however when attempting to start the server with AMP it doesn’t work.

Starting new log file...
[08:24:13.185] Mount and Blade II Bannerlord Console Started...
[08:24:13.186] 16 Oct 2022 Sunday 08:24 Pacific Daylight Time
[08:24:13.186] Build Version: 2778

Unhandled Exception Code 0xC0000005 at adress 0x7FFB94F22D85

#Rgl.pdb@{BD72632A85F0498AB68A7E2CB17CAAEA} (1): 0:1846661
#Rgl.pdb@{BD72632A85F0498AB68A7E2CB17CAAEA} (1): 0:1399664
#Rgl.pdb@{BD72632A85F0498AB68A7E2CB17CAAEA} (1): 0:4592451
#Rgl.pdb@{BD72632A85F0498AB68A7E2CB17CAAEA} (1): 0:3553797
#Rgl.pdb@{BD72632A85F0498AB68A7E2CB17CAAEA} (1): 0:3553019
#Rgl.pdb@{BD72632A85F0498AB68A7E2CB17CAAEA} (1): 0:3557447
#ucrtbase.pdb@{D7E2A94EE919EC0411403F3658DBFB15} (1): 0:158540
#kernel32.pdb@{245B0C4ED38BC8A7EA86195A41055355} (1): 0:85712
#ntdll.pdb@{BDC961DA4CD474CA6128651F7A54B85F} (1): 0:516619
No managed frames available.

[08:24:13.213] Working Memory: 21 MB
[08:24:13.213] Commit Memory: 527 MB

[08:24:13.213] Page Allocator Memory: 
[08:24:13.213] DumpTimeStamp: /2022-10-16_15.24.13 
[08:24:13.213] AutoReport: Enabled 

@ECHO OFF REM Generated by AMP cd /d "C:\AMPDatastore\Instances\MountBladeIIBannerlord01\bannerlord-server\1863440" "C:\AMPDatastore\Instances\MountBladeIIBannerlord01\bannerlord-server\1863440\bin\Win64_Shipping_Server\DedicatedCustomServer.Starter.exe" /dedicatedcustomserverauthtoken /dedicatedcustomserverconfigfile ds_config_big_sample_team_deathmatch.txt /port 7210 _MODULES_*Native*Multiplayer*_MODULES_

This is the .bat generated from AMP, those commandline args work perfectly when launched manually with a .bat located in the same folder as the .exe but refuses to work with AMP.

Any help would be appreciated.

Can you share the bat that comes with the game server?

@echo off
DedicatedCustomServer.Starter _MODULES_*Native*Multiplayer*_MODULES_ /dedicatedcustomserverconfigfile ds_config_big_sample_team_deathmatch.txt /port 7210

There’s a few things to try here.

  1. Ordering may matter. You have _MODULES_*Native*Multiplayer*_MODULES_ at the end. It might need to follow the executable directly.
  2. They don’t use the server auth token, try taking that out.
  3. The working directory may need to be the deeper bin\Win64_Shipping_Server folder. That would match running as the same bat file the game server ships with.

Thank you so much! I just had to change the working directory. You’ve saved me from an even bigger headache :slight_smile: