We’re looking for some awesome screenshots/stills of your time in-game, playing any of the titles AMP supports. Funny, awesome, weird – we want to see what you come up with! We’ll use them going forward any time we promote AMP’s support of that particular game – with a credit to you, of course. It would be extra special if you could get images of the lesser-known titles amongst AMP’s repertoire.
There’s no other ‘prize’ as such, so joining in would be purely for the love, to help us out, and to create some awesome images showcasing all the games we love to play. You would be handing us the rights to use these images as we wish, so keep that in mind - although they’ll likely only be used on our website, Twitter, and potentially some of our ads.
We’ll pick our personal favourites and dub their creators the ‘winners’.
Drop your screenshots in a reply post (with the name of the game!) and away we go. We look forward to seeing your entries! If you want the image credited in a certain way (By name, handle, Twitter username, etc) include that in your post too. We’ll be sharing some of the best via our social channels.
By participating in the competition by posting an image reply, you are acknowledging that the screenshot is one you took yourself of the game in question, and that you are happy for us to use the image as we see fit, including but not limited to marketing and promotional materials.