(Game Creation Failed Error) - Enshrouded Startup Bug When Using Triggers to Update or via restarting the application inside the instance

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OS Name/Version: Windows 11

Product Name/Version: AMP Release “Decadeus” 2.4.8

Problem Description: Enshrouded server receives “Game Creation Failed” if triggers are used to update and restart the server. Restarting the application within the instance will not resolve the issue. The only way to fix it is to stop the entire instance (not application) and start it again.

I can reproduce this behavior 100% of the time and it’s due to the following. Note in the logs below, the public IP that is supposed to be registered when starting the server is missing from the log if you restart the server inside the instance

Log 1: Hitting restart or using a trigger to restart the application inside the instance

[OnlineProviderSteam] 'Initialize' (up)!
[OnlineProviderSteam] 'JoinOrCreateGame' (up)!
[OnlineProviderSteam] 'SetLobbyData' (up)!
[OnlineProviderSteam] 'JoinLocalPlayers' (up)!
[OnlineProviderSteam] 'ConnectToPeers' (up)!
[OnlineProviderSteam] finished transition from 'Uninitialized' to 'InGame' (current='InGame')!
[Session] 'HostOnline' (up)!
[Session] finished transition from 'Lobby' to 'Host_Online' (current='Host_Online')!

Log 2: Stopping and starting the entire instance:
Note the Public IP line added. This fixes the ‘Game Creation Failed’ Error when connecting to server

**[online] Public ipv4: 149.106.XX.XX**
[OnlineProviderSteam] 'Initialize' (up)!
[OnlineProviderSteam] 'JoinOrCreateGame' (up)!
[OnlineProviderSteam] 'SetLobbyData' (up)!
[OnlineProviderSteam] 'JoinLocalPlayers' (up)!
[OnlineProviderSteam] 'ConnectToPeers' (up)!
[OnlineProviderSteam] finished transition from 'Uninitialized' to 'InGame' (current='InGame')!
[Session] 'HostOnline' (up)!
[Session] finished transition from 'Lobby' to 'Host_Online' (current='Host_Online')!

Steps to reproduce:

  • Setup a trigger that checks for updates and restarts the server. Or just restart the server from inside the instance
  • Check console log of the application, and you will note that during server restart, the public IP does not get update/registered as part of startup
  • Game will now give a ‘Game Creation Failed Error’

Actions taken to resolve so far:

  • Only restarting the entire instance fixes the issue as noted in the logs above due to the inclusion of registered proper public IP with steam.

I posted basically this same issue six days ago with no response yet. It’s any trigger from what I’ve been able to deduce; stop server, take backup, check for update, they all produce the same result where you have to stop/restart the instance and then manually update and restart the app.

Backups are completely broken, you can’t even take a manual backup, I’ve been manually coping the “.backup” file out to my backup area for now. Given the rate at which they’ve been pushing updates out this has become quite tedious.

Honestly, it’s as if the restart button inside the instance has a slightly different startup script compared to the script that runs when you stop/start at the instance level and fails to register the public IP needed for enshrouded’s server lobby. I had no clue backups weren’t working. I have backups setup but have not checked them.

If I could tell what script is behind the restart button, I could try to take a stab at fixing it manually but I’m new to amp and still figuring out the basics of how generic templates, AMP templates and their json setup works.

Did you figure that out by trying a restore and finding out that the backups were borked?

The trigger was dying and not completing, so I attempted to take a manual backup. Threw no error but also did not create a backup file in the backup list.

I just checked and you’re so right. I have backups setup for every 4 hours on a timer and there’s nothing being backed up. I guess CubeCoders just rubber stamp templates without quality control before including them in the games list… you’d think they’d validate the templates before pushing them to their github repo. What a shame…

Ridiculous comment. You clearly don’t know what you are talking about

Neither the backup function nor the restart functionality have anything to do with the templates. If there are broader issues or bugs with AMP, raise them separately.

But how about not unjustifiably dumping on community members like me who volunteer their time and effort to make templates for users like you? I work with the tools made available to me and test what I do. I can’t control AMP’s internal code

Greenlan - you really need to chill out. I did not dump on you AT ALL. I’ve got the screenshots if you want to keep acting like a child… This forum post was never an attack on you personally but you decided to make it so… lets me sure everyone knows whose being rude here… get some help bud. I wish you well and hope you have a better day…

No, your comment was directly a comment about the quality of the template, which means you are criticising the creator of the template. The issues you have raised have nothing to do with the template - they would equally affect an “official” server module.

I made that comment about cubecoders rubber stamping templates. I did not insult you directly and being new to AMP, I had no idea cubecoders wasnt involved in templates available in their own software… as end users we have NO IDEA if issues are on AMP side or template side. You took everything way out of context as if I was personally attacking you. And all I said was it was a ‘shame’ about the bugs we all are experiencing with templates and perceived QA by the company (again not YOU). Again, I apologize just like I did so immediately in the screenshot, but then you call me a sod and whatnot. I’m done buddy. No point in continuing the conversation.

You only apologised at the end, and then immediately carried on about how “rude” I was. If you didn’t know what was the issue or what led to your problems, don’t make assumptions

I guess calling someone rude when they are being rude is a badge I’ll wear then. I’m not sure what else you want me to say to make you feel better about things. All I know for sure is you should not be in a position to moderate on behalf of this company. To any paying customer, your actions reflect on said company. I will be contacting support for a refund as this has certainly rubbed me the wrong way and I’m not sure I’d want to pay good money for this kind of treatment. Have a good night and I wish you well.

As I said, I don’t represent cubecoders and don’t moderate or do anything else on their behalf. Good luck getting a refund simply for being called out for being insulting

We’ll see what happens. You may not represent them but you are a moderator for them in status. Either way, thanks for the luck! :slight_smile: Have a wonderful night.

That status on this forum was only so I could submit and manage guides for the templates I prepare - again, for the benefit of people like you. I don’t exercise that status in any other way. Whatever way you look at it, you are drawing an extremely long bow. You accuse me of needing to chill, but wow you seem pretty hyper-sensitive

@Waterbear As Greelan said - the templates don’t have anything to do with the backups or scheduler system (those are core AMP components), and the templates have to be reviewed and approved by at least one other person before they’re eligible for inclusion. It’s also common for brand new templates to only be available on private repositories during testing and not made public until it has been in use by a few people. So there is a reasonably robust testing and approval system in place and Greelan does follow it for the templates he makes.

By the sounds of it, your external IP is changing between runs? If so this isn’t something AMP knows about (It generally runs on systems with static IPs) so if that’s causing problems, that’s an issue with AMPs core components, not the templates. Restarting the instance works because it then it has to re-query the external IP.

Criticising the templates and the people who build them isn’t particularly appropriate when you don’t know how the various components interact.

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