FTB Modpacks not updating

OS Name/Version:

Product Name/Version: (Always use the full version number - not ‘Latest’) - 20231206.3

Problem Description:

The Feed the Beast (New Source) does not appear to be updating modpack versions for me. Feed the Beast Presents Dirwolf20 1.20 is stuck on v1.6.0. The latest version of that modpack is now 1.9.1.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Server Settings → Server Type → Feed the beast (New Source)
  • Dirwolf20 is still old version.

Actions taken to resolve so far:

  • Restart container.
  • Stop and start instance.

It should still work (I’ve tested it myself), the label in the dropdown is out of date for some reason.
Make sure to follow these steps if you get hung up installing it:

That did indeed work, thanks! I did not consider the label not updating, but that appears to be just it. Thanks again!

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