Firewall manager not installed?

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OS Name/Version: Linux - Debian GNU/Linux 12 on x86_64

Product Name/Version: AMP ‘Callisto’ v2.5.0.12 (Mainline)

Problem Description:

I am having issues connecting to my game servers. I have gone so far as to be able to see it on my local network, but I am not able to connect. When trying the “dumpfirewall” command I get the following output:

 CubeCoders AMP  amp@AMP-Boreas  ~  ampinstmgr dumpfirewall
[Info/1] AMP Instance Manager v2.5.0.12 built 31/05/2024 14:46
[Info/1] Stream: Mainline / Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
[Error/1] No firewall manager available.

Is it possible to reinstall the firewall manager? or is at this point the best step to just reinstall the entire AMP VM?

Steps to reproduce:

  • Step 1: Start Amp
  • Step 2: Start game server
  • Step 3: try connecting to Gameserver
  • Step 4: Try connecting via AMP user and enter command ‘ampinstmgr firewall’

Actions taken to resolve so far:


That means AMP couldn’t find either iptables, ufw or firewalld on the system. One of those needs to be installed.

thank you very much! I am not sure what I did (did try rebooting a couple of times) but now the command does show me the ports and it appears to be all green. I can find the server with my public IP (so it appears to be running) but I cannot join it. I also cannot find it with my local IP Address. Not sure what I should create a ticket about with these symptoms.

Edit: I did try setting up a minecraft server, and that worked and I was able to connect to it. I was having issues with TF2 and Astroneer, which are both steam hosted. I am thinking that may be the reason?

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