Export AMP template

Im wondering if its possible to export one of the pre-existing templates, like rust, so i can use the online Template maker to create a new game template? In this case, im looking to export the current Rust template, so i can create a new Carbon enabled template for Rust, rather than Oxide only(Umod/Oxide is old and outdated)

Already have a Rust template with Carbon in:


The default Rust module is a closed source module that has no “template” (it does not use the Generic module)

How do i utilize the Carbon template? i’ve been searching around but haven’t seen anything?

Add the repo I mentioned above to your Configuration Repositories in AMP (use the search box to find the setting), Fetch Latest and then it will appear in the instance list as Greelan / Rust

Added it and did a fetch, logs show it finished correctly, but i see no changes in what applications i can choose from?

What OS? If Windows, do you have Git installed?

I have both Linux and Windows machines, no new applications appear on any of my host box’s application lists.

If you are running AMP in a Controller/Target setup, you need to add the repo (and have Git installed) on the targets as well as on the controller

Part of AMP’s pain

As mentioned, logs indicate it did infact download from git, both main and Dev repos i now have, on all 3 of my machines, and moved the files correctly, example log:

Removing obsolete directory AMPTemplates-dev
Updating remote source CubeCoders/AMPTemplates:main
Downloading https://github.com/CubeCoders/AMPTemplates/archive/refs/heads/main.zip, saving to CubeCoders-AMPTemplates-main.zip...
Moving C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Local\Temp\tzs3ocyt.mwp to CubeCoders-AMPTemplates-main.zip...
Updating remote source Greelan/AMPTemplates:dev
Downloading https://github.com/Greelan/AMPTemplates/archive/refs/heads/dev.zip, saving to Greelan-AMPTemplates-dev.zip...
Moving C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Local\Temp\w30jjxrc.bjo to Greelan-AMPTemplates-dev.zip...
Found configuration repository at CubeCoders-AMPTemplates-main, ec280171-c67b-4cf8-923f-dc27fea91ee1
Task Updating remote sources (Fetching latest configurations...) ended: Finished

Ok i figured it out, i had to go into each Host box’s management and restart the ADS instance for each for them to finally load the new applications.