I am currently restructuring large parts of my setup.
Part of that is moving applications that I previously had on central app VM to their own LXC containers. While doing so I started to like LXCs more and more.
I have heard that LXCs have some issues with certain things compared to VMs. My question now is, does anyone have some experiences, good or bad, with running AMP in a LXC container? Any issues with problems with LXC? Any reason why the way LXCs operate wouldn’t play nicely?
I am fully prepared to fu** around and find out if noone has any experience to share.
I am not trying to run one node in an LXC for each server but rather keep my old structure of 2 nodes split between game servers and other servers/apps that should run without interruptions like TS3 for example. This just gives me more freedom with restarting the not so important node pretty much whenever I want.
Have a good one!