Download backup?

Is there a way to download a backup via the control panel?

I know I can connect to the server and manually download a backup, but I would rather not have to connect via another method to get a copy. This seems as though it should be relatively simple feature.

I make a lot of changes to my server and I just like to download a copy every once in a while so I can check the file(s) for what changed, compare a diff or look at an older version.

Edit: I actually just found that you can find backups via the file manager. I kind of expected to see a “download” button on the backups page next to the “restore” and “delete” buttons.

I would like a download button also, it would be a small easy feature to add but it could also add so much convenience + less confusion if you have other people with backup access. I have seen this in loads of other panels including ptero (which a lot of AMP users have switched from).

It’s actually a mild pain to do this because the file manager and backups are separate plugins. But it might happen.