Customization with Minecraft - Sleeping Percentage (Minecraft)

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Linux - Debian GNU/Linux 12 on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Phobos’ v2.6.0.6 (Mainline)
Virtualization Docker
Application Minecraft
Module MinecraftModule
Running in Container Yes
Current State Ready

Problem Description

Changing Sleepingpercentage in Minecraft


Im trying to figure out how to change the percentage of players that have to sleep so it changes to day time. We want to change it to one person …the commands in the game dont work, so is there a way to change it in the Game Panel?

Reproduction Steps

  • tried to find it on the Game Panel
  • Tried to use commands in the game
  • searched the internet

You use the gamerule command to set it, either in game or in the console.

I’ve tried it in game and it doesn’t work… how does it work in the console? Im using hostinger Game panel

The server must be started and running, and you don’t use the / when typing the command in the console. I’ve done it before and it works.

Hmmm…i tried it just now and it still won’t work. even without the /.

Okay it works now…but in the game panel

Thank you