Customization with Minecraft - Modded instance failing to start

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Linux - Debian GNU/Linux 12 on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Phobos’ v2.6.0.10 (Mainline)
Virtualization Docker
Application Minecraft
Module MinecraftModule
Running in Container Yes
Current State Failed

Problem Description


I have downloaded the mod by following the instructions from hostinger. RL Craft Dregora runs on 1.12.2 version of minecraft. After changing the server JAR version, the server will fail to start and generate and error codes in the console for the server. I have a snapshot of the error codes that generated.

Reproduction Steps

  • Downloaded RL Craft Dregora and installed in server file host
  • Altered txt file
  • Changed server type to Forge
  • Changed server JAR to Forge Version (forge 1.12.2)

Selected an appropriate Java version in amp? Java 8 in this case

I’m unsure how to do that from the hostinger game panel. This is currently what I have for the server.

Java and Memory tab has the options

After changing that and reloading it with the forge 1.12.2-, I got this error code

Is the jar file setting on autoselect?

I changed the jar file to 1.12.2- The instance is running but now the server is saying this before connection.

Make sure all the mod .jar files are in the mods folder

I’ve done all that. I’m still left with “Incompatible FML modded server 4 mods present”

Have you tried joining regardless?

Yeah but it still kicks me out. I’ve followed both hostinger’s instructions and the modders instructions for installation.

Show what you currently have in your mods folder

This is how I have it.

Yeah no, you need to have the .jar files in the mods folder, not inside a zip or inside another folder

I’m not sure I follow. Do I even have the correct .jar file/version? Both RLCraft and RLCraft Dregora run on 1.12.2.

You don’t want the forge jar in the mods directory. Also, you still don’t have the mods in the /mods directory. Your screenshot shows the subfolder /mods/mods