Customization with Minecraft - I cant create an online-mode false server

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Linux - Debian GNU/Linux 12 on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Callisto’ v2.5.0.14 (Mainline)
Virtualization Docker
Application Minecraft
Module MinecraftModule
Running in Container Yes
Current State Ready

Problem Description


When i change serper properties option to online-mode false it change to true again

Reproduction Steps

  • I change the server properties
  • I restart it
  • The server propertios options online-mode change again to true
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If you’re using a Proxy then you need to turn off the setting for a standalone server.

If you’re trying to let people who have not paid for the game join, we cannot provide you with any assistance.

Hi! I have also encountered this problem within my instances. I am using bungeecord proxy and it requires me to set it to false. Now, I do not seem to find the mode option to set it to false. Therefore, I am not able to use the hosting for my server…

Type “Standalone” into AMPs search box while managing the instance.


We actually have the same issue, Hostinger AI Assistant always tell us to navigate on our AMP and look for online-mode and disable it there but there is no online-mode actually on the AMP settings. I think the AI needs also to be updated lol

Anyways, we are also looking for answers regarding this. Thanks

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Ohh wil try! Thanks for the replyyyyyyyyy

thankyou, this solved my problem…

Tell that to Hostinger lol, this is not Hostinger support.

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The AI is technically correct, if you type that into AMPs search box, the relevant setting will be given as a result.