Customization with Minecraft - I can not uninstall the plugins from web UI

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Linux - Debian GNU/Linux 12 on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Decadeus’ v2.4.6.10 (Mainline)
Virtualization Docker
Application Minecraft
Module MinecraftModule
Running in Container Yes
Current State Stopped

Problem Description


Hello I can not uninstall any plugins from the web UI of Mincefat hosting. When I delete them from the files they will just redownload cuz they are still registered on the website

Reproduction Steps

  • Try to remove them from the web UI
  • Try to remove them from files
  • Try to restart server, change the mod it is running on and also try to swtich web broweser

If you’re with Hostinger, I’d suggest contacting their support.
Otherwise, I’d suggest stopping/starting the instance, then delete them from the menu.
If you delete them manually, it will not update in the menu.

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