Customization with Application Deployment - downloading mods taking very long time

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Linux - Debian GNU/Linux 11 on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Callisto’ v2.5.0.6 (Mainline)
Virtualization QEMU_KVM
Application Application Deployment
Module ADSModule
Running in Container No
Current State Indeterminate

Problem Description


Im trying to download mods to my minecraft server, and its been downloading for over an hour now and the download eta just keeps getting bigger. It is saying it is going to take 4 hours and 23 minutes now but that number keeps going up. Did i do something wrong when downloading, how can I speed up this process?

Reproduction Steps

  • I created minecraft server
  • downloaded mod file onto my computer
  • i created mod folder inside file manager and then moved mod file from my computer into the file manager.

you need to use a file uploader/downloader with SFTP capability. it uploads and downloads much faster then the drag and drop method. If you have a registered SFTP client such as WinSCP installed, it should open automatically when you clicked the IP address link. The SFTP option should be in the top right area when you are in File Manager on AMP.

I am in the same boat. I am very new to Linux/AMP but i am using to set up a Minecraft Bedrock Server and it is currently broken. I have notified the team at Hostinger, and hopefully between them or someone in this community, it will be resolved soon. The issue i am having could be resolved by simply adding a proper link to the update button.

As for the SFTP issue you are having, i assume you want to input your IP address, port, username (probably admin), and your password to get access. Then from there once you establish connection you should be able to upload and download freely to where you want in the AMP program. I hope this helps. I have been taking a crash course in this in the past 24 hours.

Thank you! Yes i did google what that message meant, and I just had to enter the IP address through the site manager under SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol.

Trying to start a server with some friends, difficult journey but I think we are getting there

@IceOfWraith are you able to look into this issue or know someone who can fix this?

If you’re on Hostinger I’m not sure if you have access to do what I posted on the other post. You may just need to wait until the next release fixes this or manually upload the server files from the Microsoft site.