Current user (amp) isn't part of the docker group. You can fix this by running `usermod -a -G docker amp` as root

OS Name/Version: Centos7 Stream

Product Name/Version: AMP Release Triton V2.3.4.4

Problem Description:
new user here, I’m trying to create the minecraft instance but I’m getting this problem.

I tried to run the command ‘usermod -a -G docker amp’

  • in my [root@minecraft ~]#
  • and also in [amp@minecraft ~]$

and it does nothing, and when I reboot my pc I still get the error :confused:

in [amp@minecraft ~]$ route when I type in the command groups I get the following

Can you help me?

Did you intend to use Docker mode for your instances? And did you select it during the initial setup?