OS Name/Version: Ubuntu 22.04.4 (Linux webserver 5.15.0-94-generic #104-Ubuntu SMP)
Product Name/Version: AMP Instance Manager v2.4.8
Problem Description:
- Background: Server currently has a Nginx-served website hosted on it utilizing all standard ports for web traffic (80, 443, etc.) Upon attempting to install AMP with HTTPS, it fails some steps and HTTPS is not enabled and the subdomain I gave resolves to my main site. I ran “getamp postSetupHTTPS” and recompleted the HTTPS setup. The subdomain now attempts to resolve to the proper location, but I receive a 404 error.
Output of instances.json
"ExtraContainerPackages": [],
"CustomMountBinds": {},
"IsSharedInstance": false,
"IsDaemonUserManaged": false,
"HasOverlayApplied": false,
"OverlayURL": null,
"Daemon": false,
"DaemonAutostart": true,
"DeploymentArgs": {
"FileManagerPlugin.SFTP.SFTPIPBinding": "",
"FileManagerPlugin.SFTP.SFTPPortNumber": "2223",
"Core.Monitoring.MonitorPorts": "[{\"Protocol\":0,\"Port\":2223,\"Name\":\"SFTP Port\">
"Core.Webserver.UsingReverseProxy": "True",
"ADSModule.Defaults.DefaultAuthServerURL": "https://ctrl.iprave.com",
"Core.Login.AuthServerURL": "http://localhost:8081/",
"Core.Login.UseAuthServer": "False",
"Core.Security.EnablePassthruAuth": "True",
"ADSModule.Network.DefaultIPBinding": ""
"PendingSettingChanges": null,
"Plugins": [
"FriendlyName": "ADS",
"Description": null,
"Group": null,
"IsHTTPS": false,
"AMPVersion": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 4,
"Build": 8,
"Revision": 0,
"MajorRevision": 0,
"MinorRevision": 0
"AMPBuild": "20240129.1",
"PreviousVersion": null,
"PreviousBuild": null,
"InstanceID": "6628ff2e-1344-4180-9f6a-a70f450631ef",
"TargetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"CreatedBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"InstanceName": "ADS01",
"IP": "",
"Module": "ADS",
"ModuleDisplayName": null,
"OS": 0,
"Path": "/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ADS01",
"DiskUsageMB": 0,
"Port": 8081,
"Suspended": false,
"Tags": [],
"Tag": null,
"User": "amp",
"TagsUsedForConfiguration": false,
"MatchVersion": false,
"ReleaseStream": 10,
"ManagementMode": 0,
"ExcludeFromFirewall": false,
"AutomaticUPnP": false,
"IsContainerInstance": false,
"UseHostModeNetwork": false,
"ContainerMemoryMB": 0,
"ContainerMemoryPolicy": 0,
"ContainerCPUs": 0.0,
"SpecificDockerImage": null,
"ForceDocker": false,
"DockerBaseReadOnly": false,
"OverlayPath": null,
"CustomPorts": [],
"DatastoreId": -1,
"DisplayImageSource": null,
"LastReactivationAttempt": null
Output of UFW Status:
Status: active
To Action From
-- ------ ----
OpenSSH ALLOW Anywhere
587 ALLOW Anywhere
Anywhere DENY
Anywhere DENY
Anywhere DENY
Anywhere DENY
Anywhere DENY
Anywhere DENY
Anywhere DENY
Anywhere DENY
Anywhere DENY
Anywhere DENY
Anywhere DENY
Anywhere DENY
8081/tcp ALLOW Anywhere # AMP Management Instance
2223/tcp ALLOW Anywhere # AMP:ADS01:FileManagerPlugin.SFTP.SFTPPortNumber
Nginx Full ALLOW Anywhere
443/tcp ALLOW Anywhere # AMP Reverse Proxy
80/tcp ALLOW Anywhere # AMP Reverse Proxy
OpenSSH (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
587 (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
8081/tcp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6) # AMP Management Instance
2223/tcp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6) # AMP:ADS01:FileManagerPlugin.SFTP.SFTPPortNumber
Nginx Full (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
443/tcp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6) # AMP Reverse Proxy
80/tcp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6) # AMP Reverse Proxy
Steps to reproduce:
- Configure separate site using nginx and configure https with certbot
- Install AMP without any game server options and with HTTPS
- Try to access using the pre-defined subdomain.
Actions taken to resolve so far:
- Uninstall and Reinstall with the same settings
- Reviewed documentation: Secure HTTPS with AMP and applied Option 1