Connectivity Problem with Seven Days To Die - Unable to configure server to work externally

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Windows - Windows 10 Pro N on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Decadeus’ v2.4.6.10 (Mainline)
Virtualization None
Application Seven Days To Die
Module GenericModule
Running in Container No
Current State Ready

Problem Description


Having massive problems with port forwarding. AMP shows some ports are closed, a port checker confirms they are closed, however no firewall restrictions are in place. Mikrotik router shows selected ports are open, and receiving packets. Unable to see server in server list and unable to connect externally. Changing Ports to custom ranges did not help, although the same issue occurred: Server and Steam Port show that port is open however all other ports are closed - even with the new custom port/range. Router is a MikroTik hAP ac3.

Unsure where to go from here - As far as I can tell, everything is configured correctly, but the server doesn’t see any ports open besides 27021 (Server and Steam Port).

Reproduction Steps

  • Checked Ports that needed to be forwarded
  • changed ports to different range to check for conflicts
  • able to verify packets received for port forwarding however AMP shows ports are closed
  • unable to open any additional ports, current ports open do not allow for external IP connection
  • verified IP address of game server is correct and ports are correctly forwarded on router (Mikrotik)
  • am able to connect locally
  • disabled windows firewall temporarily to ensure it is not conflicting
  • have uninstalled/reinstalled server multiple times to remove miss-configuration possibility.

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