Connectivity Problem with Minecraft - The server is lagging with 5 players

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Linux - Debian GNU/Linux 12 on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Phobos’ v2.6.0.10 (Mainline)
Virtualization Docker
Application Minecraft
Module MinecraftModule
Running in Container Yes
Current State Ready

Problem Description


The server is lagging. There were five of us playing, and some players couldn’t break blocks. Eating was difficult and took a long time. Chests wouldn’t open, and killing mobs was hard because they were lagging.

Reproduction Steps

  • Exploring the world
  • being 5 players
  • breaking blocks

Make sure the server-side render distance is reasonable (the default is 10), otherwise you can use the Spark plugin/mod to diagnose the issue

The server is game panel 8, 32gb ram, 8vcore. We play with all the mod 10 in 5 players. The problem is latency, the settings you suggested are default 10.
With tracert command, i see more than 240 ping and spike lag

If you’re confident that it’s a networking issue, you’ll want to contact Hostinger’s support. This is the just the forum for AMP, so we can only help you with basic pointers or panel related issues.

I contacted them and was told that everything is working for them, that they do not provide direct assistance and that we have to contact a network expert.
The server was hosted on another provider and we did not have these problems. We came here because of the good reviews

Yeah that sounds like Hostinger all right, though nobody here is a network expert. (all just community members answering eachother’s questions lol)
(If they told you we were experts, they’re talking bs, though we still probably know more than their underpaid support staff)
Minecraft is mostly singlethreaded, so it might be worth a look at a Spark profiler, really the best I can suggest with the limited info.

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We have it in the mods, but I don’t know how to use it. Maybe you can help me with that?

Spark’s docs are awesome, you’ll want to use their spark profiler command (either in-game or via the console)

I think I did

Yeah, you’ll want to leave the profiler running for awhile until you start to encounter the issues again, and then Spark will be able to tell you if it’s some weird CPU bottleneck related issue, and what mods might be causing it. If the TPS starts to drop, then you know for sure it’s related to some CPU-bound operation.

The alternative possibility, is if the server’s render distance is too high (the default is 10), sending all the chunks over the network can cause weird latency issues.

Then I leave the profiler active, as I also said above the render distance is set to 10 by default
Thanks for your help