Connectivity Problem with Minecraft - Can't connect to 1.20.6 server

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Linux - Debian GNU/Linux 12 on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Phobos’ v2.6.0.6 (Mainline)
Virtualization Docker
Application Minecraft
Module MinecraftModule
Running in Container Yes
Current State Ready

Problem Description


I have one mod installed currently just so i can test. I got an instance up and running in 1.12.2 with a bunch of mods no sweat, but now that im trying to create a 1.20.6 instance I cannot find the server even though its up and running fine. I have confirmed that im on the correct version of forge. I get an error stating: Connection timed out getsockopt

Reproduction Steps

  • Start server
  • Go to multiplayer
  • click add server
  • enter the correct ip adress
  • cannot connect to server
  • Connection timed out: getsockopt

Use the IP of the VPS instead of the domain that Hostinger gave you, seems to work better in some cases (probably related to IPv6 on their end)

i believe that is indeed the one i am using

Like in the format of #.#.#.# or ?

#.#.etc its the ip adress. i believe the issue to be related to my firewall after some talking to an ai on their website it gave me a command to run but when i pasted it into the console it said incomplete command so im waiting on a real person

Yeah, this isn’t Hostinger support, just the forum for AMP, all we can really do is help with panel-related issues, not hardware/network stuff (beyond making general suggestions).
Also, with the command it gave you, that would be a Linux command, not something you run in the AMP panel.