Connectivity Problem with ARK: Survival Evolved - I cant connect to the server using the connect link / Unable to query server info for invite

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Linux - Ubuntu 22.04.4 on aarch64
Product AMP ‘Callisto’ v2.5.1.4 (Mainline)
Virtualization QEMU_KVM
Application ARK: Survival Evolved
Module GenericModule
Running in Container No
Current State Ready

Problem Description


I cant connect to the server using the given link (steam://connect/{ip}), cant reach server

I use oracle cloud on arm.
I added some ingress rules (27020 TCP, 2224 TCP, 7777-7778 UDP and 27015 UDP)

Reproduction Steps

  • Install Ark survival evolved server using the web interface
  • Add ingress rules for required ports in oracle cloud console
  • Try to connect using the link

Steam links are broken right now (that is - a bug in steam itself). Use the steam server browser instead to add the server address.

Ok thanks, it seems that I can find the server in the steam server browser but now when I try to connect to it, it says “Unable to query server info for invite”. I tried some client side solution : netsh winsock reset and verify integrity files, but it’s not fixing the issue.

It does not show map, number of players and also no valve anticheat in the steam server browser.

Do you have some clue ?

EDIT: tried with ARKSurvivalEvolvedMinimal, still same issue

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