Connectivity Problem with Abiotic Factor - External connection

Alright, Blake! Let’s get your friends connected from outside your network. :globe_with_meridians:

From what you’ve shared, it sounds like you’re on the right track with port forwarding. Now, the issue might be related to hairpin NAT or loopback. Here’s a quick way to check what’s what:

  1. Port Forwarding Check: You’ve forwarded ports, but it’s good to verify if they’re working. Use a tool like to see if the specific port for Abiotic Factor is reachable from the outside.

  2. Hairpin NAT: If you’re trying to access your own external IP from inside your network, it might not work because of hairpin NAT. To rule this out, have someone outside your network try to connect using your external IP.

Can you let me know what you find when you check these? Then we’ll go from there. :video_game:

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