This tutorial assumes you’re on a Windows computer with the PuTTY SSH client installed, connecting to a Linux server running AMP, and it assumes you correctly followed the AMP install guide and have a Linux system user called AMP.
- Open up PuTTYgen (PuTTY Key Generator)
- Click
- Move your mouse for a moment over the blank area
- Click “Save private key”, click “Yes” when asked to save the file without a passphrase and save the file somewhere you can find it
- Be warned, this file must be kept safe - anyone who can access it can access your server!
- Open up an SSH session to your server, and login as the AMP user. If you cannot login as the AMP user then login as root and run
su -l AMP
- Run the following commands:
mkdir .ssh
chmod 700 .ssh
cd .ssh
touch authorized_keys
chmod 600 authorized_keys
cat > authorized_keys
- In PuTTYGen, select the public key (right click → select all)
- Select the PuTTY window to your server and right click once in the window (this will paste your public key)
- Press CTRL+D and you’ll be returned to the prompt
- Close your SSH session
- Re-open PuTTY, and under Connection → SSH → Auth, pick “Private key file for authentication” and select the key file that was saved earlier from PuTTY gen
- You should connect immedaiately