Configuration with V Rising - Game Configuration lacking options

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Windows - Windows 10 Pro on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Callisto’ v2.5.0.4 (Mainline)
Virtualization Xen
Application V Rising
Module GenericModule
Running in Container No
Current State Ready

Problem Description


The actual config file has tons of settings to change for the server settings that are just not available on the Configuration page for the server. And changing the settings on the file doesn’t take effect and is reverted on reboot.

Reproduction Steps

  • Create the Instance
  • Configure the Instance
  • Config Missing Options

Can you elaborate on which settings are missing? They come from this file here: AMPTemplates/v-risingconfig.json at main · CubeCoders/AMPTemplates · GitHub

Hi Mike,
Configurations for V Rising can be found here,

and all the possible options are here,

It has an extremely large list of settings that are supported by the dedicated server that are not currently in AMP.


No Brutal Mode
After modifying Brutal Mode, the game is still on normal difficulty

There’s a pending update under review for the remaining options.

1 Like

New update items seen
thank you very much for your support

I must be missing something, I still can’t find the game server settings - where in the AMP interface can they be found?

I ended up modifying the ServerGameSettings.json file myself to contain the parameters that I wanted to change, and it seems that the update did not overwrite my modified file, so I cannot tell if the latest update added more options.

I figured it out, thanks mate!

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