Conan Exiles server stuck at preparing to start

Plus a bunch of wine deps and 32 bit libs to run proton… There is a pin in the amp discord server with the details

I installed all those dependencies, and tried a new instance. It seems to run, but it won’t register as a game server to appear on the server list. But I can connect using IP and port, which is fine as it is a private server anyway.


Any update on this? I would like to avoid running not in a container…

No updates yet. It may be some time before it works. Docker with AMP is a more advanced beast than Docker outside of AMP.

The whole AMP instance runs in the container, not just the application - so the vars are set the same as normal.

Just to update, Docker will work once the latest pull request is accepted. Greelan plans to test soon.

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hi all

I am still stuck in the “Application State: Preparing to start”

could someone help here?

I just want to spend time with friends in the x’max days


If on Linux, you should go to Configuration->New Instance Defaults to change the container option to enabled. Then it will include all the dependencies you need.

hi Ice

My bad, let me clear my question here.

I was using Unraid OS and AMP in Docker as an application.
So if I enable “Create in Docker Containers”
I will receive an error msg like the below picture.
Thanks for the help and reply, just let us know if there is any solution update.


Ope. Yeah you messed up doing that. You need to install AMP in a proper VM to get it working. Running AMP inside docker like that isn’t supported. Running Docker using AMP’s built in function is supported on the other hand.

But I running Valheim very well ! (without Create in Docker Containers Enable)
just don’t understand why the Conan-exiles are not easy as that…

Every game server is different. Conan doesn’t natively run on Linux, so we use tools like Xvfb and Wine to make it work. You need those dependencies plus more to get it working. The docker image you’re using is 3rd party and you must reach out to the creator of it for support. They might have a solution. CubeCoders and the volunteers here make AMP work with the provided images from CC. We can’t investigate issues in an unsupported one unfortunately.

Thank you for the detailed sharing, now I understand the technical parts, and the original provider is not CubeCoders. :face_with_peeking_eye: