Cmd.exe not found

OS Name/Version:
Windows Server 2016
Product Name/Version: (Always use the full version number - not ‘Latest’)
Problem Description:

When Trying to download Server files (Minecraft / Configuration / Server Setting / Server Type) the foillowing Error appears:

"This task could not be completed: Installing Feed The Beast… - .

cmd.exe could not be found"

Actions taken to resolve so far:

  • Reinstalled AMP Instance and Server

:sweat: thats way more of an issue than not being able to run AMP. Thats a windows issue. If you can’t find cmd.exe then something is really scuffed on your installation of windows.

Yeah I have zero idea how that would even happen, much less what to do about it…

I can run cmd etc. without problems… Only AMP has Problems with it. I’m not sure whats causing the issue. It worked in the previous Versions…