Lately, after upgrading to I’ve had issues with starting up new instances.
At least for CS:GO and Rust. (This is based on that I had a Rust server before in an earlier version where it worked just fine)
Instances are created fine, and updated - All have been configured etc etc.
But when starting them they are just stuck forever.
I even left CS:GO overnight but still stuck in starting. No output in the console about why.
The RUST server has been stuck in starting for a couple of hours as I know it might take a while the first time starting a rust server but no luck there either.
Steps to reproduce:
Install CS:GO & Rust instances
Configure basics, like name, PW and simply stuff like that.
Checked logs for instances - Nothing useful / not much at all.
-Tried to restart AMP - No changes
Tried to restart the Ubuntu server itself - No changes.
Turned off all other instances to check if it was due to a lack of resources - No change.
I can see that the RUST server uses 3.16 of 5.78 GB ram and 1% CPU.
Tried in docker and non-docker.
Side note: Sometimes after the RUST server has been standing for a while I can “Kill/stop” it and then it suddenly enter “Running” state. But seem like a bug to me as the server is still not responding even after waiting further.
AMPs release system was changed after - you can’t upgrade beyond without updating your system tools. You shouldn’t need to do anything other than apt update and apt upgrade.
I updated the Ubuntu server last week I think. But Ill try to upgrade my Ubuntu server and let know you the results.
Thank you for the quick responses so far.
If you updated Ubuntu Server then your 3rd party repositories would have been disabled, so you’ll need to re-enable the CubeCoders repo to keep getting updates.
Upgraded using the provided command.
Seems all went fine and AMP is now running version - 20230907.1
All other instances than CS:GO and Rust could be upgraded also afterwards.
I had to delete and re-create CS:GO and RUST to even be able to manage/upgrade them.
The RUST instance is now working fine. (Except RAM usage is listed as 8.79 / 5.78 GB. Using 3 GB more than it should for some reason)
The CS:GO instance is now “Unable to run” without any further information.
[11:12:21] [API:admin Activity] : Starting the application.
[11:12:21] [Logger:admin Warning] : Server failed to start 10/5 times…
[11:12:21] [Logger:admin Warning] : Server failed to start 5 times, not restarting.
[11:12:23] [API:admin Activity] : Starting the application.
[11:12:24] [Logger:admin Warning] : Server failed to start 11/5 times…
[11:12:24] [Logger:admin Warning] : Server failed to start 5 times, not restarting.
Is it possible to change the command line flags somehow else than by configuring through " Source Server Settings"?
I am having an issue with getting the RCON password to even work.
Had to setup https which was a bit annoying without a domain and not choosing to use it only internally. But it works.
However, everything I generate an RCON password it just says “Bad password”. Tried generating, rebooting, and set it manually by autoexec.cfg but no luck.