Can't connect to Astroneer server

Version Phobos

Problem Description:
I’m running a fresh install of Windows 10. I am trying to set up my AMP software and am learning how to set up everything with my network so I don’t run into issues of trying to connect to multiple game servers at once. Ive successfully gotten Minecraft Java to work for a while, but I’ve been trying to get Astroneer to run and I seem to be unable to connect. Trying to add the server to the Server List in-game won’t even allow me to attempt to connect to the server. It gives me a Steam URL as the server code, but trying the stock IP and port (Local IP:Port) doesn’t work either. I was immediately assuming that I was unable to connect to the game port via client, so I spent a while figuring that out before confirming the connection. If there is a tutorial somewhere on how to set up all this stuff in AMP, that would be a great read.

Console logs: Irrelevant, as I haven't been able to do anything with the game or connect to it in any real way other than pinging it, but here:

"managed remote instance Astroneer at [IP] authentication token blah blah blah requested by admin on behalf of admin"

Steps to reproduce:

 * Step 1: Install Windows 10 Enterprise onto server.
 * Step 2: Install latest version of AMP Server Management software onto the server.
 * Step 3: Install Astroneer server (no container) (steamcmd) through AMP.
 * Step 4: Take URL provided by AMP to connect to the server (steam://connect/Your local or public IP &/or port) and attempt to connect to Astroneer Server in-game, just to fail miserably).

Actions I've taken to resolve so far:
-Tested connection with and without static IP.
-Turned off Windows Defender completely. 
-Set the port number to ":17000" (supposed default for Astroneer servers, but I tried 5 different ports and tried without a port.
-Tested connection with Windows Powershell and Tellnet client to confirm connection between client computer and server.
-Set inbound and outbound permissions for ports I specified. Confirmed they were on and listening via Netstat. 
-Ping server from client via Tellnet after setting server ports "game port" and "SFTP port" to the same value, and was able to connect to AMP Managemment software from Client. 
-Pulled my hairs out.

I assume the Steam URL that AMP is giving me is incorrect and is causing issues, but I'm not sure how to fix. PLeease help

You can only connect with the public IP in the Astroneer client - a quirk of that particular game

Do i need to add my public IP address in my network adaptor settings, or is there a way to change the connection link/primary endpoint without having to start from scratch?

Maybe I’m dumb and there is a better way.

Neither. Just use your public IP in the client to identify the server

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