Version Phobos
Problem Description:
I’m running a fresh install of Windows 10. I am trying to set up my AMP software and am learning how to set up everything with my network so I don’t run into issues of trying to connect to multiple game servers at once. Ive successfully gotten Minecraft Java to work for a while, but I’ve been trying to get Astroneer to run and I seem to be unable to connect. Trying to add the server to the Server List in-game won’t even allow me to attempt to connect to the server. It gives me a Steam URL as the server code, but trying the stock IP and port (Local IP:Port) doesn’t work either. I was immediately assuming that I was unable to connect to the game port via client, so I spent a while figuring that out before confirming the connection. If there is a tutorial somewhere on how to set up all this stuff in AMP, that would be a great read.
Console logs: Irrelevant, as I haven't been able to do anything with the game or connect to it in any real way other than pinging it, but here:
"managed remote instance Astroneer at [IP] authentication token blah blah blah requested by admin on behalf of admin"
Steps to reproduce:
* Step 1: Install Windows 10 Enterprise onto server.
* Step 2: Install latest version of AMP Server Management software onto the server.
* Step 3: Install Astroneer server (no container) (steamcmd) through AMP.
* Step 4: Take URL provided by AMP to connect to the server (steam://connect/Your local or public IP &/or port) and attempt to connect to Astroneer Server in-game, just to fail miserably).
Actions I've taken to resolve so far:
-Tested connection with and without static IP.
-Turned off Windows Defender completely.
-Set the port number to ":17000" (supposed default for Astroneer servers, but I tried 5 different ports and tried without a port.
-Tested connection with Windows Powershell and Tellnet client to confirm connection between client computer and server.
-Set inbound and outbound permissions for ports I specified. Confirmed they were on and listening via Netstat.
-Ping server from client via Tellnet after setting server ports "game port" and "SFTP port" to the same value, and was able to connect to AMP Managemment software from Client.
-Pulled my hairs out.
I assume the Steam URL that AMP is giving me is incorrect and is causing issues, but I'm not sure how to fix. PLeease help