Bad config caused issues, need to reinstall

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OS Name/Version:Debian/12

Product Name/Version: (Always use the full version number - not ‘Latest’)
AMP Instance Manager v2.5 built 22/03/2024 17:33

Problem Description:
Bad configuration has left two target instances unusable. I need to be able rerun setup from new, despite them previously having servers running.
If you’re interested in greater details, a lot of configuration was done with a reverse proxy, being new to reverse proxies, and the setup now correctly passes ssl through as a stream. However, only one of the machines is reachable at all, with lots of bad configuration everywhere. I would like to just kill everything and reinstall it all like it was fresh, hopefully without having to reinstall the operating system, or lose the backed up game configuration and saves that I have already pulled out of the instances.

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Steps to reproduce:

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3

Actions taken to resolve so far:

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