Automatic world saving

OS Name/Version: Windows Server 2022 Center

Product Name/Version: AMP Release “Halimede” v2.4.0.8, built 10/10/2022 21:18

Problem Description:

Hello I have Ark servers.

I connect and I create things on the map I leave the server and I come back to the server the constructions are still.

I restart the server through the amp interface.

And when I reconnect to the server the structures I created are no longer there.

I tested several times and it’s always the same result when I cut the server it does not save the world of the server.

Do you have an idea of a function in the panel that I haven’t activated?.

Thanks in advance.

Actions taken to resolve so far:

I checked if AMP is up to date yes I have the latest version.
I checked for game server updates and no updates.
I restarted my dedicated server.