An attempt to rebind ADS instance


  • OS Name/Version: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
  • Product Name/Version: AMP Instance Manager v2.4.6.4 built 06/09/2023 12:13

Problem Description


Using some hosting service I have VM instance with pre-installed AMP panel.
After ordering VM, I was given URL of AMP’s admin panel (bare IP-addr and port which AMP is listening to) without SSL.
My mistake was that I had launched a custom game instance without making post-configuration steps first. So I went to admin-interface and proceeded with setting certain game instance up.

What I try to achieve and what I did:

Now I decided to configure Nginx as reverse proxy. I’d like Nginx to proxy all requests to ADS01 instance and make ADS01 instance be bound to

I managed to configure Nginx by running ampinstmgr setupnginx.
So now Nginx is running and proxies requests like that:


server {
    server_name ***;


    location / {



And it seems OK for me.

And meanwhile I have two AMP instances:

amp@srv1234:~$ ampinstmgr -l
[Info] AMP Instance Manager v2.4.6.4 built 06/09/2023 12:13
[Info] Stream: Mainline / Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
Instance ID        │ ***
Module             │ ADS
Instance Name      │ ADS01
Friendly Name      │ ADS01
URL                │
Running            │ Yes
Runs in Container  │ No
Runs as Shared     │ No
Start on Boot      │ Yes
AMP Version        │
Release Stream     │ Mainline
Data Path          │ /home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ADS01

Instance ID        │ ***
Module             │ Minecraft
Instance Name      │ minecraft-server01
Friendly Name      │ minecraft-server
URL                │
Running            │ Yes
Runs in Container  │ No
Runs as Shared     │ No
Start on Boot      │ Yes
AMP Version        │
Release Stream     │ Mainline
Data Path          │ /home/amp/.ampdata/instances/minecraft-server01

*where is public IP-addr

And I tried to run ampinstmgr --RebindInstance ADS01 8080.
However I got the next log:

amp@srv433869:~$ ampinstmgr --RebindInstance <ads01_uuid> 8080
[Info] AMP Instance Manager v2.4.6.4 built 06/09/2023 12:13
[Info] Stream: Mainline / Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
[Warning] WARNING: Rebinding ADS will break logins/management for all instances/controllers that rely on it.
[Error]  -- You will not be able to manage any existing instances if you do this --
[Warning] If you are not familiar with how AMP manages authentication and logins, ask for support before doing this.
[Info] This prompt is case-sensitive. You should avoid rebinding ADS if at all possible.
Are you sure you want to rebind ADS? You will need to manually reconfigure any managed instances. [Y/N]


As far as I understand from the log above, I’m going to lose everything related to the instance named ‘minecraft-server01’ if I try to rebind ADS01. How can I avoid losing data? What should I do?

Steps to reproduce

  • Setup AMP Game Panel
  • Setup any game instance
  • Try to rebind AMP’s ADS instance using (like ampinstmgr --RebindInstance <ads_uuid> <any_port>`), and you’re going to get that warning log I’ve shown above.

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