AMPINSTMGR Firewall Service fails to start

OS Name/Version: Fedora Linux 41 (Server Edition)

Product Name/Version: v2.6.0.6, built 20/11/2024

Problem Description:
Firewall Service Issue
The firewall service has stopped working. It seems this issue is related to the update, where version numbers weren’t updated when a patch was released, requiring a package manager reinstall.
I attempted a forced reinstall (with root/sudo), but it didn’t resolve the issue.

I tried running

sudo su -l
getamp update

Running the update firewall command after reinstalling gives the error below:

Output of ampinstmgr updatefirewall

[Info/1] AMP Instance Manager v2.6.0.6 built 20/11/2024 20:58
[Info/1] Stream: Mainline / Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
[Info/1] Using FirewallD firewall.
[Error/1] IM was unable to execute the requested command.
[Error/1] TargetInvocationException
[Error/1] [0] (TargetInvocationException) : Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
[Error/1]    at InstanceManagerCLI.Core.ExecuteCommand(List`1 Params, Dictionary`2 Args)
[Error/1] ArgumentNullException
[Error/1] [1] (ArgumentNullException) : Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'address')
[Error/1]    at ArgumentNullException.Throw(String paramName)
   at Net.IPAddress.IsLoopback(IPAddress address)
   at InstanceManagerCLI.Core.<>c.<SyncFirewall>b__79_4(PortUsage p)
   at Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.ToList()
   at InstanceManagerCLI.Core.SyncFirewall(Boolean DryRun, IEnumerable`1 userInstances, IFirewallManager firewall)
   at InstanceManagerCLI.Core.UpdateFirewall(String SourceUser, Boolean DryRun, Boolean forceUPnPSync)

Actions taken to resolve so far:
Reinstalling ampinstmgr
Updating ampinstmgr
Updating firewall

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Not that i have the answer, but this is the exact same issue as this thread.

Letting others know.
No solution as of yet.