Amp wont login on the webinterface

OS Name/Version: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS

Product Name/Version: AMP Instance Manager v2.5.1.8 built 03/09/2024 11:47

Problem Description:
I am not able to get past the credential screen for the web interface.

To reproduce go to the url and sign in

so far ive tried restarting the instance and the actual computer but nothing would fix it. ive repaired auth on it and updated it to the latest version. ive viewed the logs and from looking at the logs it just says authentication attempt for user dustin from 192.x.x.x
BUT if you wait a long time it then says this

Ive tried connecting to the website from localhost:8080 and the actual ip and both dont bring up the panel. When looking at the devtools on firefox it seems like the login packet (idk if its a packet but the login flag?) is empty

There is a post on the discord titled “trying to load but wont” from me Dustin7789 that shows EVERYTHING me and daniel tried but nothing worked.

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