After Upgrading to, One of my Instances Dissapeared

OS Name/Version: Windows 10 - AMP

Product Name/Version: Minecraft 1.19.2 Paper

Problem Description: Instance dissapeared after updating AMP to, still seems to run, and files are still in computer, but it doesn’t show up in the UI.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Run Your Server
  • Update your Server
  • Look in awe as your instances are no longer there??

Actions taken to resolve so far:
Restarting AMP
Removing AMP Version File
Transferring file to new instance
Contacting Cube Coders Support

Could you try the fixes in this post?

Tried that, it seemed to work properly, but didn’t help my situation.
The instance is “starting” and you can play on the server since it was set to start on boot before it dissapeared, but the Instance is not showing in the UI ¯_(ツ)_/¯

From command prompt run ampinstmgr repair then restart AMP.


nothing happens…?

Does it show if you run ampinstmgr -l?

yes it does, along with my other instances:
Module: Minecraft
Running: Yes
Service Instance: No
AMP Version:
Release stream: Mainline

the others show similar information, when logging into the web UI, only the this one Minecraft instance is missing, and other Minecraft instance still works fine, it’s an odd issue?