ADS not starting after upgrade

OS Name/Version: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS

Product Name/Version: AMP Instance Manager v2.4.6.4 built 07/09/2023 18:03

Problem Description: After the latest upgrade of ADS01 it wont boot anymore. Here is the log file that it generates.

[21:12:57] [Core Info]            : Starting AMP version (Callisto), built 15/05/2024 20:37
[21:12:57] [Core Info]            : Stream: Mainline / Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
[21:12:57] [Core Warning]         : Current time zone is set to EST - It is recommended you switch to UTC+0 to avoid time-zone related issues
[21:12:57] [Core Info]            : OS: Linux / x86_64
[21:12:57] [Core Info]            : CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor (6C/12T)
[21:12:57] [Core Info]            : RAM: 32011MB
[21:12:57] [Core Info]            : AMP Instance ID: af126d4d-a2cf-4b53-ba67-1f676218b38a
[21:12:57] [Settings Warning]     : Unable to set field value for node: NewInstanceDefaults.DefaultPostCreate to StartInstance - Requested value 'StartInstance' was not found.
[21:12:57] [Loader Info]          : Loaded ADSModule version by CubeCoders Limited
[21:12:57] [Loader Info]          : Loaded FileManagerPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[21:12:57] [Loader Info]          : Loaded EmailSenderPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[21:12:57] [Loader Error]         : Unable to load plugin WebRequestPlugin: A developer licence is required to load unsigned plugins.
[21:12:57] [Loader Error]         : Could not load plugin WebRequestPlugin
[21:12:57] [Loader Error]         : Unable to load plugin LocalFileBackupPlugin: A developer licence is required to load unsigned plugins.
[21:12:57] [Loader Error]         : Could not load plugin LocalFileBackupPlugin
[21:12:57] [Loader Info]          : Loaded CommonCorePlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[21:12:57] [Loader Info]          : ADSModule requests dependency InstanceManagerPlugin...
[21:12:57] [Loader Info]          : Loaded InstanceManagerPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[21:12:57] [Loader Info]          : ADSModule requests dependency SystemUserManagerPlugin...
[21:12:57] [Loader Error]         : Unable to load plugin SystemUserManagerPlugin: A developer licence is required to load unsigned plugins.
[21:12:57] [Loader Error]         : ADSModule plugin requests SystemUserManagerPlugin as a hard dependency, but could not be loaded.
[21:12:58] [Loader Error]         : ADSModule plugin requests SystemUserManagerPlugin as a hard dependency, but it is not loaded.
[21:12:58] [Loader Info]          : Loaded steamcmdplugin by CubeCoders Limited
[21:12:58] [ErrorReporter Error]  : Unhandled Exception: Please report this to the AMP developers.
[21:12:58] [ErrorReporter Error]  : [Error] --- Begin Exception Data ---
[Error] OS: Linux (x86_64/None)
[Error] Module: ADSModule, Version: AMP
[Error] Release spec: Mainline - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
[Error] Instance ID: af126d4d-a2cf-4b53-ba67-1f676218b38a
[Error] FileNotFoundException
[Error] [0] (FileNotFoundException) : Could not load file or assembly 'SystemUserManagerPlugin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
[Error]   at ADSModule.InstanceDatastoreManager.Seed ()
  at ADSModule.InstanceDatastoreManager.PostInit (InstanceManagerPlugin.LocalInstanceManager lim, FileManagerPlugin.IVirtualDirectoryService vds)
  at ADSModule.ModuleMain.PostInit ()
  at GSMyAdmin.ModuleLoader.RunPostInit ()
  at GSMyAdmin.Core.Run ()
  at GSMyAdmin.Program.Main ()
[Error] --- End Exception Data ---

[21:12:58] [ErrorReporter Info]   : ####################################
[21:12:58] [ErrorReporter Info]   : #         Self Diagnostics         #
[21:12:58] [ErrorReporter Info]   : ####################################
[21:12:58] [ErrorReporter Info]   : AMP tried to access a file (SystemUserManagerPlugin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null) that doesn't exist, or the file was removed after the point AMP checked for its existence. Could not load file or assembly 'SystemUserManagerPlugin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Update ADS to latest version
  • Try starting ADS

Actions taken to resolve so far: I have tried to validate the instance, but I get

[Error] Unable to validate ads01 - Download cache for 25010 does not exist.
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Having same issue and same message on attempt to verify. Post update also shows same original version and still will attempt update but post update attempt the ADS01 instance will not start, issuing ampinstmgr -s ADS01 show start successfully but when evaluating the status in the table is shows not running.

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We’ve shipped a new update to fix this - ampinstmgr upgradeall on your shell/command prompt is all you need to do, then start again as normal.

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This did in fact solve the problem.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Thank you, appears to be working now. Appreciate the quick fix

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