Trigger for A Player Joins the Server not working with Discord

OS Name/Version: Windows 11

Product Name/Version: (Always use the full version number - not ‘Latest’) v2.3.1 Built 13/01/2022

Note: Dis-cord means Discord. The forum automatically creates a link with the word discord and when attempting to post this topic, it states new users can only post 2 links.

Problem Description: A trigger with “A PLayer Joins the Server” and a Task of “Post a Message on -Dis-cord” is not triggering when a player joins the server. When clicking to run the trigger manually, a test message is posted to Dis-cord.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Step 1 add a trigger of "A Player joins the server’
  • Step 2 Add a new task of “Post a message to dis-cord” and complete the consumed values
  • Step 3 test the trigger to ensure message posts to dis-cord
    *Step 4: Join the server
    Step 5: no message is posted to dis-cord but the Minecraft console shows a user has joined.

Actions taken to resolve so far: Tested multiple configurations with the task to post a message to dis-cord. One noteworthy possible bug causing this is that the instance “Gas gauge” on the status page never sees any active users on the Minecraft instance. Is this the root cause of the issue?

I’ve removed the automatic links xD Which game server is this for exactly? Bedrock this is known not to work for right now.

HI Mike,

Yes it is Bedrock. Thank you for the info. I will wait for an update.


As a new user of AMP I face the same issue with Bedrock, except in my case the alert is to be sent via email (not a long term requirement).

Do we have any idea when this issue might be resolved, if indeed a solution is on the horizon?