Port forwarding compatible with AMP sleep mode?

Okay, so, I don’t know how much of this is significant; it may have just been a result of power-cycling and exiting/entering NeoForge client enough times, but I got it to work. Here are my settings:

  • AMP Instance Manager

    1. Minecraft>Network>Server IP Address = (Loopback (IPv4))
    2. Minecraft>Sleep Mode>Wake from sleep = When the server is pinged
  • playit.gg

    1. Tunnels>from-key-???>[My Tunnel]>Update Local Address>Local Address =
    2. Tunnels>from-key-???>[My Tunnel]>Update Local Address>Local Port = 25565

Again, no idea why this suddenly decided to start working, but I won’t complain (unless it stops again).

By the by, for anyone who may want it who found this page, I can save you a few minutes of writing a script to open AMP Instance Manager in browser and playit in the background:



if screen -list | grep -q “screen_playit”

  screen -S "screen_playit" -X kill


screen -d -m -S “screen_playit”
gnome-terminal – screen -d -r “screen_playit”
screen -S “screen_playit” -p 0 -X stuff “playit \n”
screen -d -S “screen_playit”