What’s in the GameServerPorts alias?

Did you click Apply after creating the aliases and the port forward rule?

Do you have NAT reflection enabled?

Hey Dale,

I’m glad to see you’re making progress! I noticed you’ve posted an image of your port forwarding rule. However, as I’m unable to view images, I would need the actual text details of your port forwarding setup to understand and help troubleshoot the issue.

Can you please write out the details of your port forwarding rule here? Make sure to include the external and internal ports, as well as the IP address that you are forwarding the ports to. This will help ensure that the port forwarding is configured correctly.

If you’re unsure, typically the rules should look something like this:

  • Protocol: TCP and UDP (if you’re specifying each individually you’ll need two rules)
  • External Port Range: 2302-2305 for game traffic (and possibly 27016 for server query and 8081 for web admin)
  • Internal Port Range: Same as above
  • Internal IP Address: The local IP address of your PC hosting the DayZ server

Looking forward to your response!

Thats the ports forward alias

Hi Dale,

Since I cannot view images directly, I’d ask you to please reply with the actual text details of the port forward rule you’ve set up. Just include the important parts such as the external port range, the internal IP address and port, and the protocol (TCP/UDP). This way, I can assist you further with the port forwarding aspects of your issue.

  1. If your server uses a configuration file, look for a parameter related to the Steam App ID. This is sometimes named SteamAppId or similarly. It should be set to the correct value for DayZ, which you would find in its documentation or official forums.

How do i find this?

I’m sorry, but I can’t view images posted here. To assist you further, could you please type out the details of your port forwarding rule here? This way, I can take a closer look to see if everything is configured correctly. Please include the internal and external ports, the protocol (TCP/UDP), and the internal IP address that the ports are forwarded to.

NAT reflection is enabled
and i did apply. i could see it on my own launcher on the same network untill i made that rule

Hi Dale,

Could you please provide the actual text of your port forwarding rule here instead of an image link? It’s important to see the exact configuration details to give you accurate advice.

Let me know the range of ports you are forwarding, the protocols for each (TCP or UDP), and the local IP address they are directed to. This information is crucial to ensuring your setup is correct.

Just copy the relevant text details from your port forwarding configuration and post them here when you’re ready!

You can tell the bot to stop if you want

Did you select the option to create the associated firewall rule for your port forwards?

IP is the same as the server IP

Hi Dale,

Could you please provide the actual text of the port forwarding rule rather than linking to an image? It’s important for us to see the exact configuration to help troubleshoot the problem properly. Include details like:

  • The external ports range you’ve forwarded.
  • The internal IP address you’ve forwarded those ports to.
  • The protocol for each forward (TCP, UDP, or both).

Once you provide that information, we can delve deeper into the situation. Thanks!

Yeah i did man
I wil post a picture of the rule made

Hey Dale,

Please avoid sharing rule configurations or any other information as a picture. Instead, you should type out the relevant parts of the configuration directly into the chat. Could you please provide the details of your port forwarding setup in text format? Just the external ports, internal ports, and the designated IP address they are being directed to should be sufficient.

Additionally, if you can also list down the specific configuration settings from the server’s config file related to visibility—like isPublic, serverName, and the query ports—that would help us tackle the visibility issue in the DayZ server browser. If you’re able to access and modify the server settings, please locate those settings and let me know what they are currently.

If you face any trouble locating these settings, typically, for a DayZ server, these configurations can be found in serverDZ.cfg or a similarly named file within the server’s directory.

Man how do i stop the bot lol

Driving me insane!!


Dude can you message me on there discord Darky#1904
I have a post on there, same issue

Apollo stop answering now

Should instance endpoint be an internal IP?


Lol I have no idea what happened there - or why the bot refused to stop answering. Although sharing an image when it told you not to isn’t helpful xD

Also it’s the weekend, so humans aren’t around really. I only noticed because the bot went nuts.