Configuration with Satisfactory - Installing a second Instance of Satisfactory

Alright, permissions should be good now, but the instances are still not showing. Let’s try one more approach. We can manually check the instance configuration files to see if there are any issues or if they are misconfigured.

1. Check the Instances Directory

Let’s navigate to the directory where AMP instances are usually stored:

cd /home/amp/.ampdata/instances

2. List the Instances

List all the files and directories there to see if the instances are actually present:

ls -l

3. Check Individual Instance Info

If you see the instance directories, check the configuration files for one of them (e.g., ValheimI01):

cat ValheimI01/InstanceConfig.yaml

Check the configuration file for any obvious issues or inconsistencies.

4. Validate an Instance

If the instance directories are there, try validating one of them:

ampinstmgr validate ValheimI01

Let’s see if this gives us more insight into what might be wrong.

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