Cannot start instance

OS Name/Version:
Windows 10 Pro
Product Name/Version: (Always use the full version number - not ‘Latest’)
AMP Release “Triton”
v2.3.2.4, built 22/02/2022 10:57
Problem Description:

If you’re sharing console output, logs, or commands you have run, please make sure to use code tags
(3x backticks for blocks, 1x backtick for a single line) to help make posts readable. This also
provides syntax highlighting.
when i try to start a instance I get this error
This instance cannot be started by the current application. The application is running as DESKTOP-82R1M8T$ but the instance belongs to WIN-G226S89O7AI$.

What happens in console

You cannot start instances you do not own as a non-root user. You are DESKTOP-82R1M8T$ and this instance belongs to WIN-G226S89O7AI$.
Do not attempt to change the owner of an instance, this will damage your installation. Switch to the correct user and try again.
ADS is installed as a service, and as such only ADS may start/stop other instances.````

Steps to reproduce:

 * Step 1 Just create a instance and restart your computer
 * Step 2
 * Step 3

Actions taken to resolve so far:
when I create a new one its create and keeps working after restart

for some reason I was not able to stop the code font

Looks like you’ve changed the name of your a machine recently?

So, I was setting up a new machine as running AMP on server 2019 standard core was a nightmare.
This is what happened:

  1. I installed a new windows 10 VM
  2. immediately changed the system name
  3. Installed AMP
  4. It was working great
  5. Windows update happened and the system rebooted
  6. Machine name change officially took place on system

My assumptions here are that there’s a lot going on in regards to the actual inner workings of the instance and there would be no easy fix.
I’m going to backup the game servers in the instance and recreate it as not much as been running so far.

Actually it may be fairly simple - if you edit the Instances.json file - you can simply swap out the machine name where it occurs. Should still work.

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Thanks. Hopefully someone else who searches this this will stumble upon this solution. :sweat_smile:

Where would I find the instances.json file?