Cannot attach target to hybrid instance on Windows

OS Name/Version: Windows 2022 Server, Version 21H2 (OS Build 20348.768)

Product Name/Version: AMP Release “Triton” v2.3.4.4, built 26/07/2022 20:08

Problem Description: I get the following error when i try to attach a target instance to the hybrid ADS instance:

Again in text form:

[14:55:29] [ModuleLoader:windowsUsername Error] : Missing plugin/assembly: Newtonsoft.Json (C:\AMPDatastore\Instances\ADS01\Plugins\Newtonsoft.Json\Newtonsoft.Json.dll)
[14:55:30] [APIService:windowsUsername Warning] : Returned exception from API call ADSModule/AttachADS
[14:55:30] [Core:windowsUsername Error]   : FileLoadException
[14:55:30] [Core:windowsUsername Error]   : [0] (FileLoadException) : Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
[14:55:30] [Core:windowsUsername Error]   :    at SQLiteNetExtensions.Extensions.TextBlob.Serializers.JsonBlobSerializer.Serialize(Object element)
   at SQLiteNetExtensions.Extensions.TextBlob.TextBlobOperations.UpdateTextBlobProperty(Object element, PropertyInfo relationshipProperty)
   at SQLiteNetExtensions.Extensions.WriteOperations.RefreshForeignKeys(Object element)
   at SQLiteNetExtensions.Extensions.WriteOperations.UpdateWithChildren(SQLiteConnection conn, Object element)
   at GSMyAdmin.Providers.SQLiteDataProvider.Add[T](T obj)
   at ADSModule.RemoteADSController.Add(Guid InstanceId, String FriendlyName, String Host, Int32 Port, Boolean IsHTTPS)
   at ADSModule.WebMethods.AttachADS(String Friendly, Boolean IsHTTPS, String Host, Int32 Port, Guid InstanceID)
   at GSMyAdmin.WebServer.WebAttributes.InvokeMethod(String MethodName, JObject Data, IHttpRequest request, IWebSession Session, WebMethodsBase MethodsClass, String RawRequest)
   at GSMyAdmin.WebServer.APIService.InvokeAPI(IHttpRequest request, IWebSession Session, JObject Data, String RequestModule, String RequestMethod, String RawRequest)

Steps to reproduce:

  • Create an instance in hybrid mode
  • Create another instance in target mode and try to attach it to the controller
  • The error (See attachment) will appear in the controllers console

Actions taken to resolve so far: None because i don’t want to waste more activations on trying this again :frowning:

changed the title, the file actually seems to be missing?!


The file doesn’t actually seem to exist, i tried using the one from C:\Program Files\CubeCoders Limited\AMP\ but then i just get the following error in the console when trying to attach:

Returned exception from API call ADSModule/AttachADS
[0] (CryptographicException) : A developer licence is required to load unsigned plugins.
at GSMyAdmin.ModuleLoader.CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve(Object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) at AppDomain.OnAssemblyResolveEvent(RuntimeAssembly assembly, String assemblyFullName)

It was worth a try i guess :stuck_out_tongue: