After Update to v2.3.2.8 the Users in the User Management are invisible

OS Name/Version: Debian Bullseye

Product Name/Version: v.

OS Linux
Platform Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
System Type x86_64
Virtualization QEMU_KVM
Module ADSModule
Loaded Plugins FileManagerPlugin, EmailSenderPlugin, WebRequestPlugin, LocalFileBackupPlugin, CommonCorePlugin
Application Name AMP
Application Version
Release Stream Release
Build Date 28/03/2022 13:25
InstanceID censored
Last Executable /usr/bin/ldd
Last Arguments –version
Last Process ID 816

Problem Description:


since the update to v2.3.2.8 the user management is empty (users are invisible) for me. I can create new users and the console confirms this, but the category is empty and the names are not visible.
Also in other web browsers the same.

Tested browsers:
-Chrome Mobile

Actions taken to resolve so far:

  • tried several browsers
    -multiple reboots (server and appliance)
1 Like

I got the same issue, in addition to that: The file manager is just a blank page now

1 Like

yep You are right, the file Browser from the instances is also blank

Perform the following steps:

  • Run ampinstmgr --nocache upgradeall
  • Windows Users: Reboot the system
  • Browse to AMP and do CTRL+F5 to do a force reload